Milk Heating Tank

Pasteurisation of the milk for White Cheese Processing can be done either by Plate Pasteuriser or Tank Pasteuriser. Plate Pasteurisation has been the first choose of high capacity plants so far. In this case; Plate Pasteuriser should be equipped with a Holder Unit for resting the milk at pasteurisation temperature for a specific time.

Some artisanry cheese makers still prefer Tank Pasteurisation for White Cheese Processing as they claim the traditional aroma and flavour can be achieved by this methot on the final product. In case of Tank Pasturisation; no need for an extra Holder Unit. The heating period takes around 20-30 minutes and this can also be considered as holdering since the heating tank is open.

Once the milk is heated up to defined pasteurisation temperature for White Cheese Milk, it is directly pumped to Cooling Plate Heat Exchanger which is fixed to the outlet of tank.

Materyal   SS AISI304 
Capacity   250 Lt - 10000 Lt
Function   Heating/Cooling
Heating Type   Steam/Electric
Cooling   Chilled Water / Iced Water
Agitator    1,5 kW, 0-60 rpm
Control Pannel   PID / PLC (Opsiyonel)
Other Features   Top Cover, CIP Ball, Inlet/Outlet Connections, Support Legs, Ledder
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