Stretching Machine

Cheese curd chopped to uniform size particles is transfered to Sp Makina Streching Machine.

Salty water which is collected inside the vessel under the unit is transfered to curd cookıng unit and heated here. The curd is cooked by hot salty water. By the movement of spirals inside the cooking unit; curd is transfered to kneading section. Kneadind continues until desired curd structure is gained.After this step, cooked and kneaded curd is transfered to Weighing and Forming Machine.

Material : AISI304

Control Pannel : Analog Control (PID)

Instant Temperature Control (PT100 Sensors)

Automatic Steam Injection

Hot Water Preperation Vessel

Helix Mixing/Streching/Kneading

Speed Control Unit

Easy Integration to Forming/Weighing Step

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