
Having good sensory properties such as taste, aroma and smell of your raw milk is the primary factor in achieving the same quality in the product you will obtain. Due to the influence of many factors such as the content of the feed consumed by the animal from which the milk is produced, the pH value of the water it drinks, the conditions of the environment, and seasonal effects, the odor and aroma components that change at certain rates in the natural structure of milk can sometimes cause defects in the final product. Sometimes these defects may result in product returns and may have undesirable consequences in terms of product quality as well as economics.

The size of these defects is directly proportional to the increase in microbial load and enzymatic reactions that occur in the milk following milking. It is possible to take the necessary precautions as a result of sensory tests to be applied to milk that has not yet been processed.

Sp Makina Deoderization System; It aims to prevent this undesirable gas-odor-aroma formation, which is likely to be present in the raw milk reaching your business and is seen as a defect in terms of quality. Increase in raw material quality; It also directly affects the final product quality.

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