Curd Draining Vat

Sp Makina Curd Draining Vats are the units in which the excess whey is removed after breaking the curd by  cutting knives of Sp Makina Process Tank; curd is transfered to Sp Makina Curd Draining Vats for the seperation of whey (syneresis).

Curd Draining Vat consists of 2 parts; the Vat unit itself and the perforated inner vat which is fitted into the Vat. Whey flows out throught the pores of the perforated vat while curd particles can not, and the whey part leaves the curd.


Capacity : 500 Lt > 3000 Lt

Material : AISI304 SS ( 2 mm )

Sieve : Ø 3 mm Perforated

Welding : Argon

Tires : 4 pieces

DN40/50 Outlet Connection

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