Automated CIP Unit

Automated CIP Unit

CIP (Cleaning In Place) process; It is the process of cleaning the post-production process line by effectively cleaning all product contact points and making them ready for the next day. In some cases, it may be recommended to pause production without waiting for the daily production to be completed, clean the lines thoroughly and continue production from where it left off.

Acid and caustic solutions prepared in CIP tanks are heated to the prescribed temperature and sent to the line via the CIP pump. Machinery and equipment along the line are cleaned and rinsed by circulating the solution for a certain period of time.

While the entire process can be controlled via the control panel, manual CIP units are also preferred due to their lower investment costs.

Control Panel (PID/PLC)
Plate Heating Exchanger
Line Filter
Steam Valve
Acid Tank     (AISI316, Isolated, With Agitator)
Caustic Tank (AISI316, Isolated, With Agitator)
Water Tank      (AISI304)
CIP Pump
Automatic Temperature-Pressure Measurement
Electrical Connections
Valve Connections (Pneumatic-Manual)
Platform Unit
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