Mix Preparation Unit

Mix Preparation Unit

Sp Makina Mix Preperation Units are for the purpose of mixing milk or water with other powder ingredients and forming a homogenous mixture for further processing.

The unit consists of a Tri Blender, Mixing/Heating Tank, Centrifugal Pump and Line Filter.

Powder ingredients are added from the conical vessel while water is being heating slowly inside the heating tank. After they are mixed on the pipe line, circulation/heating starts and continues untıl you achiave the desired solid content on your final product.

Unit can be equipped with a PID/PLC Control Pannel for automatic operation.                                                                                                            


   Tri Blender + Centrifugal Pump+Heating Tank+Line Filter


   Max. 20000 lt/s


   SS AISI304 



Other Accessories

  Agitating Motor, CIP Ball, 450 Opening Top Cover,  Support Legs

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